Sunday, August 4, 2013

Totally Unexpected Fetal Pigs

My books smell like worms.

Wait, let me explain.

To those of us who remember high school after formaldehyde became a health hazard , remember when you had to dissect worm or frogs or fetal pigs (I did all three...missed out on the cats and lampreys, my bad)?  Remember that smell?  That cloying chemical, possibly cancerous, not as noxious or acerbic as formaldehyde odor?

That's what my book tape smells like.

Took me over two years to identify it, but I finally got it.  Victory!  Well, not really.

The thing is...a Publishers Warehouse when out of business.  Like, a giant storage unit in which they (shock of all shocks) stored a bunch of book by publishers.  We, as in DOC, and we as in I literally got at least half of the boxes, got the remaining stock.

As such, I was able to (forced to) sort through EVERY SINGLE FREAKIN' TITLE, reorganize them, repack them, and, of course, cherrypick whatever I wanted.  In other words, think of 9000 books and picture any possible geological formation.  I have every single one of them built of books in my library.  Mostly on the floor and under tables (the only space left now).

Okay, to get to the point:  I processed and whatnot a metric tonne of books (only 100+ last goal for thin month is 200+) ...but I don't have, let's say, the preventative maintenance (book covers...or patience to cover that many).  Thus, I have been only wrapping the spines in book tape.

After 100+ spines and, you know, it's now exactly a brain-intensive exercise, your natural space-out brain function finally makes connections.

The sub-par tape I was working with before smelled of vinegar. 

This tape takes me back to my favoritest science class ever.  Possibly not in a good way (I lost eh pig-skinning contest that year).

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