Highlights of My Day:
One of my best Employees was so happy today. Why? Because he had an hour-long conference call (on MY time) with his lawyer. He's confident that, even with his "17 felonies" and 58K in lawyers' fees ("that's a house!...Well, it's almost my house."), he only has to do 5 years in Fed. He left my office crowing, "5 years, in 2 I'll be home!"
My other Con Employee asked what I read. When I replied, "Mostly fantasy, but also mystery, biography, and some urban fiction, but I'm really only up to Patterson in the mystery genre." He was all, "Urban fiction?" And I say, "Hot books" (In my setting, urban fiction tends to be stolen/destroyed, therefore designated a "hot book" and only lent out for one week). He gives me this 'but you're clearly a white girl from the 'burbs...why would you be reading this shit?' look and sorta grunt and all I can say is, "Well they're popular around here and ya'll always want more, so I figured I should familiarize myself with the genre." This got an even weirder look and, saints be praised, guy actually shut up for 10 seconds and quit attempting to schmooze me.
Yeah, a lot of weird in about 45 minutes of my day.
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