Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The "Extinguisher"

It makes me sound like a wrestler or a super hero or, even better, a hit man.  Or a fireman with a really inflated sense of self-esteem.

No, it was just the nature of The Job today.  Remember this post?

 Well, turns out that if I don't spend, like, three grand in the next week (on new books), I'm gonna lose it.  Having FINALLY gotten approval from the higher ups, I spent the next two hours (two? closer to 3, I think) going over my book list, removing books I deemed inappropriate the second/third/fifth/umpteenth time around, researching our sales rep, failing, randomly emailing people I thought could be my sales rep, and trying to calculate a price quote for myself.

And this is a short week thanks to Thanksgiving, and I still have a bunch ton to do in the next 14 hours, the least of which is actually get a decent amount of sleep, so I will leave you with this thought (cross posted on Facebook):

OH MY GOD IT'LL BE THANKSGIVING SOON AND AFTER THAT I CAN WATCH HOME ALONE 24/7 IF IT'S ON NETFLIX OR I GET A USB DVD PLAYER FOR MY COMPUTER. Yes, if it's not on Netflix, the USB DVD player will have to go to the top of my Need list. Possibly before a coffee maker.

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