Thursday, September 29, 2011


I think one of the Corrections Officers might be hitting on me. 

I was actually okay with this until the second hour of him still being in my office.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oooooh, Convict Employees...

Highlights of My Day:

One of my best  Employees was so happy today.  Why?  Because he had an hour-long conference call (on MY time) with his lawyer.  He's confident that, even with his "17 felonies" and 58K in lawyers' fees ("that's a house!...Well, it's almost my house."), he only has to do 5 years in Fed.  He left my office crowing, "5 years, in 2 I'll be home!"

My other Con Employee asked what I read.  When I replied, "Mostly fantasy, but also mystery, biography, and some urban fiction, but I'm really only up to Patterson in the mystery genre."  He was all, "Urban fiction?"  And I say, "Hot books" (In my setting, urban fiction tends to be stolen/destroyed, therefore designated a "hot book" and only lent out for one week).  He gives me this 'but you're clearly a white girl from the 'burbs...why would you be reading this shit?' look and sorta grunt and all I can say is, "Well they're popular around here and ya'll always want more, so I figured I should familiarize myself with the genre."  This got an even weirder look and, saints be praised, guy actually shut up for 10 seconds and quit attempting to schmooze me.

Yeah, a lot of weird in about 45 minutes of my day.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Too Much James Patterson...

...rots the brain.  That's the reason there haven't been any Readers' Advisory updates - because all I've been reading is James Patterson and nothing has been recommendable until Kiss the Girls, which I finished this morning.  However, I'm pretty sure that everyone who's literate and over the age of 14 has read this, or seen the movie, and I am not planning on reviewing it (although I probably should to keep in practice).

Meant to post last week, because last week was a Week of Firsts for me.  First full week of open library hours, first purchases delivered, first random staff drug screening.  That last one is the event that really stands out because it was totally awkward.  Dear Boss, when you tell me to go to this one room at this one time and I have to SHUT DOWN THE LIBRARY TO DO THIS, I really wish policy would let you tell me not to pee before I go there.  My workers were cool with my delay, though, so it's all good.

This week has been all about getting my Monthly Report in on time (got it in early!), ridding my office out of the 10 bajillion books that are laying about (New Books, Repairs, and Random Piles Left to Me That Are Not Labeled), and compiling worker schedules/duties...oh AND working on my budget.  I can't wait until I go to the budget meeting and everyone's like, "Why do you need these not-quite-super-swanky baskets and little drawers and scotch tape?"  And I get to reply (in a professional manner), "Have you seen my supplies cabinet?  No?  Go find me my 2-inch clear book repair tape with the peel-off backing in less than 2 minutes and then tell me I don't need hundreds of dollars of organizational supplies.  Oh, and did I mention that we're down to our last two half-rolls of scotch tape and I won't be able to buy any more for at least a month?"  Yes, I like to be organized where I work.

Two final notes: 
  1. I love my job.
  2. I am quickly learning to hate covering paperback books.
Next week?  Developing policy.  Should be fun.  Have some ideas already.