Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm Famous!

According to the view-tracker-dealie, I've had 15 views from Russia and 4 from Germany.

I'm an international marvel!  WOOOO!

(Unfortunately I can't tell if any are repeat viewers. But I'm still famous!)

The "Extinguisher"

It makes me sound like a wrestler or a super hero or, even better, a hit man.  Or a fireman with a really inflated sense of self-esteem.

No, it was just the nature of The Job today.  Remember this post?

 Well, turns out that if I don't spend, like, three grand in the next week (on new books), I'm gonna lose it.  Having FINALLY gotten approval from the higher ups, I spent the next two hours (two? closer to 3, I think) going over my book list, removing books I deemed inappropriate the second/third/fifth/umpteenth time around, researching our sales rep, failing, randomly emailing people I thought could be my sales rep, and trying to calculate a price quote for myself.

And this is a short week thanks to Thanksgiving, and I still have a bunch ton to do in the next 14 hours, the least of which is actually get a decent amount of sleep, so I will leave you with this thought (cross posted on Facebook):

OH MY GOD IT'LL BE THANKSGIVING SOON AND AFTER THAT I CAN WATCH HOME ALONE 24/7 IF IT'S ON NETFLIX OR I GET A USB DVD PLAYER FOR MY COMPUTER. Yes, if it's not on Netflix, the USB DVD player will have to go to the top of my Need list. Possibly before a coffee maker.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


My On-Site Supervisor once said, "If this place ever starts making sense, it's time to get out."

Veterans' Day is a State Holiday.  Meaning, of course, that I get Friday off.  Since I work Saturdays anyway, I was hoping to flip-flop the day off and have a really nice long weekend.

When I emailed my boss to make sure this was okay, I received a reply from her boss saying that it was administratively impossible for me to do this.

Because of my specific status in state employment, I am not allowed to go to work on Friday, November 11, 2011.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Not Nearly A Bad Day, But...

Over the weekend, something died in my heating ducts.  I sit underneath the main vent.

Spent 7 hours staring at the same list (or variations of that list) because I compiled the original incorrectly and it's too late to redo it.

Almost hit two idiot teenagers while they attempted to cross a highway (speed limit 65mph and for once I wasn't going 5 over, thank the gods), at night, in dark clothing.

And I get a three day weekend.  *grin*

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Puttin' Out Fires and Gettin' Shit Done...Mostly

Wow, I owe you guys a lot.  Not that anyone really reads this, but I still owe you.

Okay, FIRST (that looks awkward in all caps), based on my previous post, Correction Officer (hereby referred to as CO Guy), gave me his cell number the other day.  Luckily he hasn't asked why I haven't called.  Honestly, I really hope he does so I can put him in his place/teach him a lesson about asking whether or not Ladies have Significant Others before not-so-bluntly "asking them out" (pretty sure he was angling for me to move in with him...not sure, won't judge...yet).

Also, WOW has a LOT been going on since I last posted.  I've met all of the other DOC Librarians.  They mostly say the same thing (when the Veterans aren't talking about retirement...Transfer Opportunities!), this job is all about Putting Out Fires and finding the time to Get Shit Done.  I've asked my Employees (don't like to think of them as "Offender Workers"...except the one that pisses me off constantly) and they say I spend way too much time holed up in my office.  I'm trying to Get Shit Done!  And, of course, when I'm actually being productive, M -- we all blame him for everything that goes wrong, but he has an excellent sense of humor and is the only Employee that can tell I Can't Be Bothered Right Now -- is in my office every five minutes telling me in great detail the problem (VERY helpful, that attention to detail) and then asking if I need help/constantly checking up on me.  Good show, that.

Honestly, I'm pretty much forbidden to play favorites, but certain others from my past know how much I can rely on a Number 1.  M is my Number 1 for this job.  I will be very sad to lose him and his friend at the end of the month -- M not only does all the dirty work I don't want to do, but is Ecstatic to do it (I'm actually considering offering him a Letter of Rec should he ever get a real job on the outside) -- and I really don't want to see him come back, but I do want to see him come back.  Because he does so much I don't want to do and I'm lazy and have lots of lists to write.

Coincidentally, I mentioned to my Real Boss that half this job was list-writing.  Her response was a stressed, melodramatic sigh.  That's cool.  I love lists.  I'm closet OCD.

Also, I'm giving CO Guy a week (my personal CO won't be here then, so CO Guy will feel Free And Clear) before he asks why I haven't called him.  Man, I have so many snappy comebacks planned, he'll probably be even more impressed and start comin' round more often.

OH!  And, most importantly, in the past month and some, got my Budget approved (not hard here), placed all my purchase orders, got my miscellaneous funds spending approved (might have to spend more of that in the next week), placed all THOSE purchase orders, repaired a bunch of books my library doesn't even own, did a Good Deed, interacted will a lot of Offenders that love the Library (rawk on!), and mostly completed the Major Task (Inventory...dun dun duuuuuhn) that should have been completely completed last month.  Oh, and got the heat fixed so that it works too well now and everyone complains.

It's been a good, busy month. *grin*